High definition Movie and TV content combined with high speed stable Broadband is now the minimum guest standard. And hotel network infrastructure is the key to successful delivery. This is our expertise. Since 1994 we have focused on working with partner Hotels, to deliver today’s and importantly tomorrow’s digital content.As an Australian owned and managed private company we have the flexibility and technical expertise to deliver to any Hotel’s requirements. And we are continually developing new technologies to give our partner hotels the edge in digital entertainment.IHT has developed software that is unique in the world. No other service provider in this category can do what the proprietary ROOMS ON LINE software can do.
As examples:
1.Remote management
2.Interfacing to any PMS
3.Billing guests on any usage basis required
4.Seamless Corporate VPN connectivity
5.Offering guests multiple “consumption” of entertainment and broadband options on as detailed as a per room or individual basis
6.Hotel Web Access to Admin services for both Broadband and Movie systems
are just a few of the features of IHT’s systems. Combine that with our highly professional Help Desk services and you have the ideal guest digital services solution in IHT.